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Third Degree Emblem

Knights Emblem

The emblem of the Order dates from the second Supreme Council meeting on May 12, 1883, when James T. Mullen, who was then Supreme Knight, designed it. The emblem indicates a shield mounted upon the Formée cross (having the arms narrow at the center and expanding toward the ends). The shield is that associated with a medieval knight. The Formée cross is the representation of a traditional artistic design of the cross of Christ through which all graces of redemption were procured for mankind. This then represents the Catholic spirit of the Order.

Mounted on the shield are three objects: a fasces (a bundle of rods bound together about an ax with the blade projecting) standing vertically and, crossed behind it, an anchor and a dagger or short sword.

The fasces from Roman days, carried before magistrates as an emblem of authority, is symbolic of authority which must exist in any tightly-bonded and efficiently operating organization.

The anchor is the mariner’s symbol for Columbus, patron of the Order, while the short sword or dagger was the weapon of the Knight when engaged upon an errand of mercy.

Thus, the shield expresses Catholic Knighthood in organized merciful action, and with the letters, K of C, it proclaims this specific form of activity.


Fourth Degree Emblem

Fourth Degree

The triad emblem of the Fourth Degree features the dove, the cross and the globe. The dove, classic symbol of the Holy Spirit and peace, is shown hovering over the orb of the Earth (globe). Both are mounted on a variation of the Crusader's cross, which was found on the tunics and capes of the Crusading knights who battled to regain the Holy Land from the pagans.

Spiritually, the sacred symbols on the emblem typify the union of the Three Divine Persons in one Godhead, the most Blessed Trinity.

  •     The Globe – God the Father, Creator of the Universe.

  •     The Cross – God the Son, Redeemer of Mankind.

  •     The Dove – God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of Humanity.

The colors of the symbols are:

  •     A blue globe with the land of the Western Hemisphere in white.

  •     A red cross with gold borders and gold knobs at the end of the points forming the ends of the arms of the cross, also known as the Isabella cross.

  •     A white dove.

Red, white and blue are the colors of the flag of the country in which the Knights originated. They are used to stress patriotism, the basic principle of the Fourth Degree.


Interested in becoming a Knight? Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. The Knights of Columbus is a very open organization with the only requirements being that you be a Catholic man, and be 18 years of age, or older.


As a Catholic you must be in good standing with the church or parish as well. The Knights are dedicated, and committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their local church. Being a Knight is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enchanting your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.


If you or someone you know is interested feel free to contact the Knights via the contact form + email link.

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Within the Knights of Columbus there are various degrees in terms of level of membership. To become a fully-fledged Knight, one must receive three degrees through three ceremonies testing one’s faith and devotion both as a Catholic, an American, and as a member of the fraternal brotherhood.


A 4th Degree member has been accepted by the Assembly Membership into this honored order, and has undergone a particular initiation for that degree. A fourth degree is the highest honor a Knight could have and truly promotes their dedication to the community and the service to God as well. A candidate for the 4th degree must have been a 3rd Degree Member for at least 1 year. the Knight in charge of the district may allow a member with only six months of membership in the 3rd Degree to be admitted permitting.

Supreme Knight of the

Knights of Columbus


57 Hanover Street

Lebanon, NH 03766

Lebanon, New Hampshire Knights of Columbus Council 2656. Catholic Fraternal Men's Organization helping serve the community through Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. 


© 2018 Lebanon KofC Council 2656, Website Designed by District Warden Alan Gesek

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